I am sick and tired of being a couch potato...ok so maybe I was never a couch potato per say but I was a house potato...we stay in all the time. Which was fine for 2 adults who would rather cook, craft, watch movies, or read. Its not so fine for two growing boys. I don't want them to grow up staying in... I don't want them to start the video game/tv habit. I want them to play outside..get dirty and have adventures.. Then again that sounds like fun for the whole family...so I want us all to play outside get dirty and have adventures. We have started taking baby steps as the weather gets good. We went this past weekend to a local Civil War Memorial Park...where we flew kites and played ball...it was a blast. We have also started our garden up... and today we took a walk together after dinner.... 2 miles to be exact... Well my hubby and I walked and my 2 year old rode his trike (I don't think I could have went that far even)... The 10 month old rode in a little push car. I would say that's a fine way to start playing those dirty adventures.. That just sounds all wrong doesn't it...but at least we are going to have fun...LOL
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Dirty Playing Adventures...wait that's not the right order.
Posted by Cas at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A one of a kind handmade cake topper and my first craft of 2011
I am really happiest when I am crafting and working but sometimes I am not inspired...this one wasn't my idea though..Someone specifically asked me to make it. I had never done a cake topper before... It worked great because their idea inspired me and the result was this cute little family... The picture above was on the cake...the picture below was took just minutes after I was finished and happy with my final creation...I sculpted this for a grooms cake.... Its the groom being dragged by his son and bride...and the sweet groom requested it that way. Hopefully this will be something I get to do more of in the future...This was a little piece of my dream come true...to get to make something that will become a part of someones life...because it is made out of clay its a keepsake... I have so many ideas now for cake toppers...birthdays, weddings, babyshowers etc.. although this one isn't for sale...its already happilly tucked away with the family it was for... if anyone else wants a custom topper feel free to contact me I would love to create something for your special day.
I am linking up to the following
Blue Cricket Show and Tell

Posted by Cas at 8:00 AM 0 comments
A moment in my world.
The best part of my day comes early before the world is awake and going...its when I hear those sleepy footsteps come rushing to my bedroom. I smile into my pillow when I feel him scramble up and over me...its a king size bed with lots of pillows but I know within a few moments I will have my pillow stolen. He will cuddle up to me and I will pull him closer wrap him tighter in my arms...I dont fall back asleep as quickly as him...My brain has woke up too much...I marveled a second too long at the gift he is. So I say a prayer of thanks slowly saying thank you for each of my blessings..Haven..Soren... Brian...asking that they be protected and watched over..the list goes on till I drift back to sleep...depending on what time it is I may only have a moment...if I am lucky a few hours....Hours of him close to me... breathing with me...his heart beating near me...we were this close once...closer..for 35 weeks he was mine all mine and now I share him with the world..My last thought before I drift back off is usually that I almost missed this magic...I almost missed out on these amazing tiny moments...we wake up noses almost pressed together...tangled in quilts and each others hair..looking directly into each others eyes...the sweetest smile with sparkling blue eyes is staring right at me...he usually pats my cheek in the way I guess I have his since he came into my life...He says hello Moma every morning...and my heart melts...everytime...it never gets old...it never gets boring...hearing those words is magic everytime...seeing that face is a gift.. I am so very thankful for the gift of being a Mom...for the moments I get to share with him..both of them...being a Mom is the greatest gift I have ever been given....I am working to give them the gift of a great Mom.
Posted by Cas at 6:24 AM 0 comments
I need a good stiff kick in the behind...
I think the title says it all. I need my behind kicked...um stiffly whatever that means. It's been a while since I have posted. With good reason.... I haven't had anything to say. Well I have had things to say but maybe I was to scared to say them. I am in a funk...a sad funk..a depressed funk...now I haven't been in one this whole time...off and on... I am an emotional person admittedly. Lately its more on than off. I find myself sinking. I have been battling to lose weight...which I have lost...then gained...then lost...then gained again...its a crazy cycle. I am not going to make excuses. I know what it takes to lose weight...but I have to say its hard for me. I have several things against me... My thyroid...it just doesn't work right...and I have insulin resistance... I gain weight so quickly...for example in the past two weeks I had too much on my plate and havent been going to the gym and exercising. I also haven't been eating correctly...so you know what happened. I gained 13 lbs... that's alot of weight to pile on... That's part of the funk. The 2nd part is I want to do something...but I am just not doing it. That's vague... let me elaborate. I am crafty...there is a local market here that is open on Saturday for crafters to set up a booth. I want to set up a booth. To do that I need to make stuff. Doesn't sound hard does it? I go and buy supplies and as soon as I do the inspiration leaves me... Or more honestly fear sets in. I look at all these creative people online...following their dreams opening their own business...or etsy stores. I see the things they make and I think to myself..."why didn't I think of that?" or "I could do that". The honest truth is I could...we all could. People offer tutorials for almost everything if you cant figure it out on your own. So what is stopping me from doing this.... ME... I am looking at myself really hard right now. I am pushing myself to take action... I want to take action. I want to accomplish my dreams. I want to have my own business...albeit a small something.. I want to finally lose all my weight and get healthy... I want so many things...great things...achievable things...and the only thing stopping me...is me... I am not listening to myself when I try to explain that I can do anything I just have to have faith courage and confidence...sadly although I am in a funk...I haven't lost that stubborn streak. I plan on blogging my way out of it....blogging my way through weight loss...and blogging my way out of this funk...till I accomplish my goals...oh yeah and let's not forget while I try to do this I am also trying to be a good Mom and juggling 2 really cute monsters is so much harder than it looks.
Posted by Cas at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away after this series of posts we may never see him again.
Its apple time here in my little part of Georgia and so we loaded up the kiddlets this past Sunday and headed out to a local orchard and got some. Ofcourse while we were there we sampled some Apple Cider Slushies, Fried Apple Pies, and Pecan Brittle. We didn't just pick up apples we also picked up Sorghum Syrup...and I can't wait to eat some drizzled over a hot buttered biscuit...If you don't know what Sorghum is the only way I know how to describe it is it's the South's version of molasses. I love it. I have a few recipes that you use it in. Since I now have some I plan on making them and I will be sure to post them. Get ready because the nexts few posts are going to get fruity.
Posted by Cas at 12:00 AM 1 comments