Wednesday, September 22, 2010
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away after this series of posts we may never see him again.
Its apple time here in my little part of Georgia and so we loaded up the kiddlets this past Sunday and headed out to a local orchard and got some. Ofcourse while we were there we sampled some Apple Cider Slushies, Fried Apple Pies, and Pecan Brittle. We didn't just pick up apples we also picked up Sorghum Syrup...and I can't wait to eat some drizzled over a hot buttered biscuit...If you don't know what Sorghum is the only way I know how to describe it is it's the South's version of molasses. I love it. I have a few recipes that you use it in. Since I now have some I plan on making them and I will be sure to post them. Get ready because the nexts few posts are going to get fruity.
Posted by Cas at 12:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
I learned to juggle....which is a good thing since my life has become a circus!
I want to start off by saying first thank you if you are still a follower. I know I disappeared for a while. I missed blogging. I have been a little busy though. I was trying to figure out this whole Mommy of 2 deal. I feel like I have came a long way from where I was in the beginning. I am not ashamed to admit that at first I didn't think I could do it. I let things get to me. I had a few days where I would call my husband crying and have a mini-meltdown. A few times both kids were crying the house was a mess and lots of things had gone wrong so I sat down and had a good cry with them. It started getting better when I learned a few things.... I figured out that there will never be enough hours in the day, that I will never have enough hands, and that I am not super woman so I just can't do it all at once. I am a perfectionist...and I am learning to let go of perfection. It was really stressful at first. Trying to do everything and expecting so much from myself. I started slowly but surely letting things go and relaxing a little more. Guess what happened...I started really enjoying being a Mom of 2. I was missing out on the little pleasures because I was hyperventilating over the house and other stuff beyond my control. Now I am not saying I don't still get overwhelmed or have rough days...but I certainly have fewer than before. I have also started going to the gym and working out a few days a week. I try and eat healthier. So far I have lost a total of 34lbs since I had the baby. I was trying to lose weight before I got pregnant with the baby so it brings my total up to 67lbs lost in all! I am so excited about that. That has really helped me feel better. I have so much more energy...and let me tell you I need all I can get. I am going to be blogging more (anything is more especially since I haven't in forever!) So check back later this week I have a few things in the works. Keep in mind that blogging will basically be another ball that I will be juggling so give me a chance to work it into the routine. I promise though that I won't drop the ball...
Posted by Cas at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I am back sorta...
I realize its been forever since I have been on here...So here is a quick update. My little man stayed a little more than a week in the NICU. I was so busy running back and forth to see him and taking care of my 18 month old (who is now almost 20 months) that I couldn't post much. Then when he finally got home the real choas began. We had to take him to the doctor to be checked every couple of days for weight and I can report that the little chunk now weights 9lbs and 7ozs. Taking care of two kidlets all day and the house is pretty much sucking all of my energy up...but I am happy to report that I have been making jams, jellies and drying fruit. So I promise I will be back with another post on that soon. Plus I will be posting pictures... Be back soon...a little is crying and I have to rush off.
Posted by Cas at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
S is in NICU
S was born by C-section Friday 5/21. He weighed 8lbs and 3 Oz at just 36 weeks. His lungs were mature and had he not inhaled amniotic fluid he would be home right now. Instead he is in the NICU battling pneumonia. He has been on a breather. He has an i.v. in the side of his head. He has a feeding tube and he is also on a jaundice light. Pray for my little one he improves everyday...but not fast enough to calm a Mom's heart.
Posted by Cas at 1:24 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
C-section today
Its 1:50 am as I sit writing this. I should be asleep but I can't. I went to the doctor Thursday for a regular check up... There just wasn't anything regular about it. My doctor wanted to immediately send me to the hospital to get an emergency
C-section....but she and I came to an agreement and instead I will be having a
C-section here shortly. I needed time. A moment to breath in my son as an only son. A little later today his whole world will change and I wanted to give him one more day of what he was used to. We went out and had dinner as a family of 3 for the last time. I didn't know how sad I would feel at this...or how guilty. Why do I feel so guilty? I am not excited at the prospect of what I will go through today. I won't be given an epidural or spinal tap due to complications caused by my cancer years ago. I will be put under general anesthesia. So instead of being able to immediately enjoy my new son I will be out for hours. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to meeting the new little guy...but there is a part of me that is so sad. I am only 36 weeks pregnant maybe if I had a little longer I would feel differently. I would be ready for this....I knew this new path was coming up in my life...I just wasn't ready to walk on it yet..
So please if you pray say a prayer for me and my matter what your religion or what your belief...Think of us today and send good thoughts good energy and even love our way....because I need it...we all do.
As far as blogging you may not see me for a while. I will be back when I can.
Posted by Cas at 1:50 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A walk on the farm
We went to my Mom and Dad's one night this past week for dinner. It was a simple dinner. I got to pick the menu....partly because I am pregnant and mostly because I I asked for breakfast. My Mom made her biscuits and sausage gravy and I took a breakfast casserole. My grandparents were there. After we ate I dragged everybody out for a walk...It was a long slow lazy walk around the farm and here are a few of the pictures I took.
The wheat is almost ready for harvest.
H the one time I could get him to stop running....he slept good that night!
The honeysuckle is starting to take over...notice its almost covering a gate.
I dropped behind to take a shot of everbody slowly walking along...ofcourse no one noticed...What if I was fell over having contractions?? one would have
Posted by Cas at 7:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
I am still here and pregnant.
Just wanted to stop by and say I am still here...and currently still pregnant. Right at this moment I am 34 weeks and 3days pregnant. Last week I had a long visit to labot and delivery where they started giving me the steroid shots to mature his lungs. I go every Monday and Thursday to the doctors office and get monitored. Today there was talk of doing my c-section next week. I walked away from the office feeling a little sad. Hopefully I can stay pregnant as long as possible for the little guys sake. I know its not a long post just wanted to say I am still here and haven't forgot about don't forget about me!
Posted by Cas at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
A homemade gift for my Mom
My Mom's whole house is done with an outdoor theme. She would rather be outdoors than anywhere else. She loves to garden and go fishing. If the sun is out so is she. Well that's not true because if its overcast she will be outside. It doesn't really matter the season as long as its not storming she will be outside. When it comes to buying her gifts its not hard at all. She likes perfume, jewelry, cookbooks, and everything most women do. However if you want to give her something she is going to make it. So over the years I have made her a gifts here and there. A couple of weeks ago I was at a craft store and they had a papermache/cardboard heart ( I am not sure exactly what it was made of) that was on clearance for just a quarter. I bought it not knowing at the time what I would do with it. Till last week. I decided to try and paint my mom something. I had never done birds before but that is what I settled on. I make the same mistake with everything I make my mom. I tell her I am making her something before I get it done...and she is like a kid that you just told you got her a surprise. She drove me nuts for 2 days till I got it finished then she swooped it away. Where it now hangs in her house somewhere. I barely got it finished and got to take a picture before she pounced. Painting really relaxes me and I learn a little more every time I would love to one day take a class and get really good. Till then my Mom still loved it mistakes and all! I will be linking up to the following. Click the links so that you can check out other creations.
Making the World Cuter
Whatever goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts
Posted by Cas at 10:10 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
We came he puked then we left and Mommy had a contraction in Walmart
Last week and so far this week have just been filled with excitement around contraction inducing excitement. My birthday was Sunday...I hit the big 29....I say that its big but it sure doesn't feel it. I don't know how its possible that I have been kicking for 29 years when it feels like I just stepped out of high school. So back to last week. I had contractions. This is nothing new to me at this point...but my doctor is growing more concerned...there is no sign that I am going into labor just contractions no progress...but they get stronger and stronger. So I get the news on Thursday that I have to start coming to the office twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. Now I am not complaining about going. I am glad she wants to be safe but I am not looking forward to it because getting up and going to the doctor usually wears me out. I don't sleep well anymore and I always make my appointments as early as possible so I am not in the office for 4 or 5 I have to get up early. I wrangle a 17 month old also lets not forget that...then add to the equation this super belly that I am dragging around...or its dragging me at this point who knows. I will go every Monday and just get monitored for contractions etc...then go back Thursdays get monitored again, get an ultrasound and then see a doctor for a regular appointment. Were still on Thursday here in this little story just to help you keep up....that same day after the doctors appointment my in-laws want to take us out to dinner to celebrate my upcoming birthday. We go to the place of their choice...yeah they are those kinds of in-laws. We walk in the front door go to the hostess and my son who was born with my timing takes the opportunity and pukes all over my husband and himself...It happened in slow motion. The horrified look on the hostesses' face...the same horrified look on my prim and proper in-laws. I would have laughed out right if my son didn't immediately go into melt down with my husband not far behind him. Hubs immediately turns around and walks out the door. Were working as a team now the Hubs and I we don't have to talk. He heads to the back of the SUV where I have an emergency bag packed for just these situations...why? Because I am good? Nope because it has happened before and with our luck I knew it would happen again. Now I am thinking ahead and know that I am going to need Tylenol....because H was starting to feel warm and we had used the last little bit we had the day or so before when he was fussy with a new tooth coming in. So off we go to the Walmart. Hubs stays in the car because in the emergency bag I packed for us I apparently grabbed a shirt that was one of his old ones and he had outgrown it. I went in to Walmart alone with no argument because he didn't want to go in public showing off his belly I totally understand because there is no way I would want to show mine off right now either. So I rush into the Walmart to grab Tylenol and in the middle of the rushing (not so much as rushing as waddling faster than normal) when boom I get hit by a knock you down take your breath make you puke, die, and come back again...just so you get the idea of how big it was. I make it back to the car winded and clammy. We spend the next 2 days with H at the doctor's and battling a 104 temp....and a nice little strep throat infection. My birthday rolls around H is better and that's more than enough birthday present for me. Sunday night comes and Hubs gets knocked down...throwing up running a fever and its deja vu. He has the same thing H I single parented from Sunday night till I have to hand it to any Mom who does it alone...I don't know if I would survive 365 days single parenting...I barely handled 48 hours. Now its not normal for me to actually be the well one. I am usually the one going to the doctor or catching the plague but not this time...or so we thought. We made it through Sunday night all day and all night Monday... Then about 12 this afternoon my hands started burning...A little blister appears on my finger....and within 30 minutes my hands are covered. So we make the trip to the doctor because after 2 hours and benadryl not helping I had to call and of course they want me to come in. I would expect no less...So here we go. The doctor determines that I got into something I am allergic to ( I can only imagine what it could be now). They go ahead and do a full visit though...then it happens I have a contraction in the middle of talking to her...I tried to act like it was nothing but I certainly won't be getting an Oscar because I was promptly put on a monitor. Within 30 mins I had 2 small contractions and 1 medium...well medium for me anyways but enough for them to be concerned...So I am set to have another test on Thursday (Thursdays are starting to kinda suck for me...what happened to Monday being the bad guy) This test will tell if I am in preterm labor or if I am expected to go into preterm labor....Till then I am supposed to keep my feet up and take it easy....which I try to do as much as possible anyways...On the plus side on the way home from the doctor's I got a pity trip to the bakery...So I am going to go put my feet up now while I eat an Ambrosia cookie....yummy... At least today will have a sweet ending....while I cross my fingers that no one pukes, runs a fever or goes into labor tonight...Mommy needs some real sleep.
Posted by Cas at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thats not Champagne chilling in my fridge its something far better
How do you like the Cribs view of inside my fridge? Sorry no champagne or caviar...just pepsi, ketchup, milk, and pink liquid gold. What is that pink liquid gold you ask...It's homemade pedialyte. I consider this liquid gold because it has saved me so many times when my son was sick. I don't have to run out and buy pedialyte anymore...and why would I as yucky as it is. Did I mention how expensive it is?...You don't even want to know how much money I have wasted buying it and then my son won't drink it no matter what I do....the yuck taste shines through. I can mix in stuff...but even sick he is smarter than that. There is just no way he will drink it. I have tried everything. One night when he was really sick and on his way to dehydrating I got desperate. I looked up tricks to making your kid drink it. Well it was late and somehow it pulled up a recipe for homemade pedialyte. They gave a few alternates on how you could do it and I have tweaked it until I got something my son will drink. I also checked it out with my son's pediatrician and she was so impressed she wrote the recipe down and now gives it out to all of her patient's parents. She said that the sugar and salt in the recipe are what is really important...thats what pedialyte has anyway.
4 cups of water
1/2 pkg jello any flavor
3 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Mix all of it in a pitcher and serve it to your sick kidos. I also freeze this into popsicles. Thats homemade pedialyte for less than a buck! You can even sub in a pkg of koolaid..but increase the sugar to half a cup.
Posted by Cas at 12:12 PM 5 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
I fell off the Menu Plan Wagon. Although we did ok and ate at home for the most part it would have been better to have a plan. However last weeks unplanned moments were pretty fantastic. I made chocolate covered strawberries one day just because I had the chocolate, strawberries, and a pregnancy induced craving. I also made some really good cheesesteak sandwiches...complete with homemade french bread to serve them on... Which was my first time making bread and my first time actually making a cheesesteak taste like a cheesesteak. I am back on the wagon now so here is what our week looks like. For more ideas head over to The Organizing Junkie.
Monday- Spaghetti, garlic bread, broccoli and pears
Tuesday- BBQ Pork Chops, Au gratin Potatoes, green beans, applesauce
Wednesday- Country ham, biscuits and gravy
Thursday- Chicken Enchiladas
Friday- Creamed Chicken and veggies over biscuits, applesauce
Saturday- Pizza, Corn on the Cob, and fruit salad
Sunday- Steak fingers and brown gravy, Mashed potato, peas, homemade rolls (from dough I froze when I made the cheesesteak buns)
Dessert- Banana Bread( the freezer is full of bananas and more on the counter), Messed up Pineapple upside down cake (my husbands pregnancy craving),
Posted by Cas at 9:19 PM 2 comments
Labels: menu plan monday
Friday, April 9, 2010
Five question Friday
Because I haven't posted in so long and because I love reading other peoples answers its only fair that I answer them too...
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Ok so Candice Cameron when she was chunkier. I actually used to get told all the time when my hair was lighter and I was too that I looked like her. I even had to correct a few people in New York that wanted an autograph 10 years ago..I think it had something to do with dark sunglasses a fancy outfit and standing outside of a limo waiting on my mom so we could get driven back to the airport.
2. Did you ever go to summer camp? No way. I love to camp but the whole thing about once you get there you are there totally bothered me. I don't like to be stranded anywhere period...I know for a fact if I had went and wanted to come home my mom would have just told me to suck it up!
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction? Snakes I hate hate hate snakes.
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts? I never sing the lyrics to any song right...I always make my own up because my version is
5. What is currently your favorite song? Shamman Dragonfly is today but yesterday I was listening to the Zack Brown band all day then the day before I was listening to I guess it depends on what day it is.
Posted by Cas at 2:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Blind to blessings...
I am guilty sometimes of only seeing the worst. The glass is half empty...the glass is almost out.. rarely pondering that the glass is half full or that my glass sometimes is really over flowing. I am sometimes guilty of being covered in blessings but never "seeing" them. I can say that is not always the today. To be more accurate like the past few days. I think part of the problem is that I spend most of my time rushing. I rush mentally and physically. While I am flying by I see all the bad. I see everything that's not done...or everything I don't have. Its only when I slow down do I start to see all the good....everything I have accomplished..or that I already have everything I need. The last few months have been really hard. I have spent alot of time fearing what was coming after I have the new baby (still nameless in case you were wondering). Because lets be honest. Babies are alot of work. I know 16 months ago I had a newborn. Babies are also alot of money... not to mention now I will have 2 in diapers. One on the liquid gold (at least thats what it costs as much as) that they call formula. I really wasn't looking forward to it...the work, the tiredness, and even more sacrifice to make ends meet. I dwelled completely in the negative because I was moving so fast that I never gave myself a moment to see positive side. This weekend my husband was off of work and we spent the entire weekend wrapped up in each other...the hubs, H and I. We only did what we wanted to do. We played in our yard, went to a park, slept late, stayed up late, took lazy naps, ate late breakfasts, visited friends, and just enjoyed being a family. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with guilt as I watched H play. I had somehow forgot the miracle it was for me to have a baby. I mean I had said thanks for another baby...but deep in my heart I don't think I felt it at least not at the right magnitude. Not that I didn't want it...just that I doubted myself and the situation that I know is right around the corner. It was like a light went off or suddenly everything that had been out of focus finally became not just legible but crystal clear. I started crying. Here I am pregnant again when I was told by so many that I would never have a baby. In remission from a terminal illness that no one thought I would live through. Sitting beside the man that I thought only existed in dreams. Watching my first born son play in our yard as his little brother did his best to kick hard enough to bruise my internal organs (I see soccer in this ones future). I immediately started praying and offering my thanks apologizing for my blindness to all the blessing that surround me. I gave thanks for my babies. I gave thanks for my health. I gave thanks for the man who is my rock. I gave thanks for my husbands job...and although it is not without struggles the opportunity to be able to stay home with my kids. I gave thanks for all the times that somehow our needs were met...when I just "knew" they wouldn't be. I gave thanks for everything that I had previously taken for granted....If right now your glass is half empty then take a moment...maybe you are moving to fast slow down and see how full the glass really may suprise you.
Posted by Cas at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Thankful
Friday, March 26, 2010
Where have I been?
Where have I been? Well I have been baking....a human. Or you could say that I have been getting crafty...because I am making a human. In the past week I think the nesting urge kicked in. I have cleaned and organized my heart out....well not my heart out but I did over do it and had a few contractions. I still don't feel like its I have tried to rest today so that I can get back to it this weekend. I have also cooked alot! Just this week I have made a wonderful pineapple upside down cake. I totally messed up my normal recipe and left out the wet ingredients in the cake. I have to blame it on prego brain because I had to stop what I was doing to get my toddler down for the nap when I got back I forgot the water the cake called for and I just whipped it up and poured it on top of the caramel and pineapple in the bottom of the cake pan. I realized as it was half way through baking that I had forgot something but by then there was no way to correct it. The result was almost like a blondie on top of a pineapple caramel sauce. My husband loved it so much he ate half the pan in 1 day....and he doesn't usually care for sweets. As a matter of fact this will be the first dessert that I haven't had to give away to make sure it didn't go to waste. He finished the rest of the cake the second I have tried out a new chili recipe that as type is in the fridge just waiting to be put in the crock pot to simmer tomorrow. I also finally perfected chicken fried chicken which my husband dug into with gusto tonight. I made a double batch of biscuits and froze some for later. I have made my son jello Easter egg jigglers....that he gobbled up and giggled while he did Made a junkie dinner of chili dogs and onion rings. Cooked up a big pot of potato ham soup that was loved by the grown ups but the toddler hated. In the works for this weekend I plan on making another cake of some sort or cookies. I may also try to make either lasagna, stuffed shells or lasagna rolls....whatever I come up with. On the crafty end of things I am currently cutting out squares to make my son a rag quilt that will be 4 foot X 4 foot. I also have a artwork idea I really want to try to get to. So hopefully I will have a productive weekend and will have lots of things to post about next week. I know that I am only 27 weeks pregnant but since I measure already 34 weeks pregnant I am in the uncomfortable stage. So my back has been hurting alot and I have to constantly change position...which roughly translates to gotta go Internet this giant baby is breaking my back...and the office chair is apparently trying to help him do it!
Posted by Cas at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Getting to know you.....
Mannland5 post questions every Sunday that you can copy answer and link back up to her site go check them out and get to know some other bloggers..
The questions..
1. What year did you graduate high school?
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?
My feet and paint in like over a year now...dry skin...argh
3. Beach house or Lake house? Beach house... I love the ocean.
4. Mac or PC? pc even though the mac is pretty cute in the commercials :)
5. Did you wear braces? no
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be?
7. How many times have you moved in your life? alot like a whole lot
8. Would you rather cook or clean? cook anytime!!
Posted by Cas at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Five Question Friday
1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting? Yes a few. When I had leukemia and was in the hospital a few celebs would come through. I got to meet Big Boss Man a wrestler who has now passed away. I got to meet the catcher from the Atlanta Braves Jave Lopez. I was actually on the Sally Jesse Rapheal show when I was 18...a show with a theme about kids with I met the "STAR" of that show....and a few other minor celebs..
2. What temperature do you keep your house? 68
3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes? no...I am so not that kind of chick if I come to see you its to see you I am not judging your house promise!
4. What's the worst job you ever had? I managed 2 photography studios when I was 20. Sales went up everything was going great. Then my district manager came and said that her boss did not like that she had left 2 major stores in the hands of a "child" and that she was going to have to move me down to head photographer. The lady they brought in was 7 years older than me I had to train her and she never could get the responsibility down. I still had to do all the managerial duties because she would come in hung over or not come in at all...even after I told my district manager and she had proof of how lacking her skills were (several customers called corporate and complained about her and she cut off the heads of children in 6 different photo parent will pay for a picture of a headless child) I was told to continue to make sure that the shops ran correclty and did I mention that I got a huge pay cut when they dropped me down....after 4 months with no vacation days...working 7 days a week in 2 different cities and not making enough to barely pay for gas to drive...I finally got a day off. I took off out of town with some friends just for the night. I left my cell phone and beeper at home (both of those I might add were my personal property) When I came in on my the Thursday ( mind you I had just had Wednesday off my district manager was waiting...she rimmed me out because the "manager" ruined a whole roll of film when she changed the film without putting the black out bag over the camera....and the manager could not reach me to ask a question on what to do...I walked out...before I said or did something that got the better of me.....the only thing that kept me going as long as I did was my coworkers and my love of photography. (don't judge my photography skills by what you see on here...I do not have a great camera...considering how many times its been dropped and how old it is and it is not a portrait studio setting...not to mention for some reason I can photograph the living with no problem but photographing still life just isn't my forte)
5. What is your most sentimental possession? I have a sick quilt...Its a quilt I have had for many many many years...its the quilt I used when I had cancer...I took it with me on my long hospital only comfort sick and so far away from I only use it when I am really sick and I am quite protective of it...Its very old and fragile...I have had it since I was 12.
Posted by Cas at 10:54 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
First ever feature...
I am so excited to be featured on Homemakers To do Tuesday. It was so sweet of her to mention my 1st time applique. It made my day! Go check her site out and see who else she is featuring....and check out her creative ideas....she also has an awesome etsy store!
Posted by Cas at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: feature
Just waiting is killing me....
So I don't really need an excuse to talk about whatever I want because you can look back at my past posts and tell that I can be random...but I am totally a sucker for a linky hit the button above and see what everyone else is talking about....
Ok so today is the day. I have to head to the doctor for my gestational diabetes test...and I get another ultrasound to see how the baby looks due to measuring so far ahead.... I will update when I get back how it went...Say a prayer for me guys that the baby is healthy and fine....and that Mommy is too!!
Just got back from my morning appointment and wanted to let everyone know what I was told. There is for sure only one in there he is just a big boy. Right now I measure 33 wks and I am only 26 wks....he weighs in at 2 pounds and 16 ounces....I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors ( this is a miracle I am actually insulin resistant and so they expected me to fail). They are going to keep a watch on him and if he gets too big they will take him early!
Posted by Cas at 9:07 AM 3 comments
Labels: pregnancy
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Plans For Me and Questions For You.
Plan for me: As of tomorrow I will be 26 weeks pregnant. There are alot of things I need to accomplish and get done. I find myself not doing things because I am overwhelmed by what all I need to do. So I have a plan. I am going to make a list of goals for every week and a list of goals for everyday. Then I am going to put that list on my refrigerator so that I look at it a few times a day. I also think that it might be helpful to get on some kind of cleaning schedule. Like on certain days I do certain things. Which hopefully will help prevent the situation I am currently in....I am so behind on laundry and housework its shameful. So this weekend it is my goal to get the house completely cleaned up. That way Monday I will have a fresh slate to start with and the housework should be more managable if kept up with on a daily basis instead of my current method of waiting till it is really dirty (well not dirty as in filthy but certainly messy).
Question for you: Do you follow any kind of cleaning schedule? If so would you mind sharing that schedule with me? So that I can get a better idea and make my own.
I will be posting a goal for each week once I get it all figured out so that maybe it will help hold me accountable! My goals will not just involve cleaning I have alot of projects that need to get done too...If you want to comment with your goals or projects coming up that would be great too....I hope I am not alone in this semi overwhelmed and underorganized ship.
Posted by Cas at 2:02 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Applique Addiction in the Making
One of the things that really made me want to start sewing was to be able to make things my way. I always seen things and thought I would like that so much better if... Applique had been on my long lists of got to try for a while. The great thing about applique is its easy to make it your way. I have read all about how to do it and finally worked up the courage to give it a go. I wanted to make something for my son...I hate to say this but when it comes to cute boy clothes out there the selection kind of bites...I mean seriously you have a small section of boy clothes and usually a massive section of girl clothes. It never fails when I go shopping for my son I see very few things that make me think "SO CUTE" but then there are lots of things in the girl section that make me think that way. Since I can't go putting anything pink and frilly on my son it became my mission to make something for my son that rocked my socks. After deciding it was a boy project then I had to find fabric. That only took me 2 weeks to find. When I finally found the fabric I fell in love with it. I love polka dots. However polka dots aren't always very boyish...but this fabric was. Of course I only bought 1/4 of a yard. I was trying to be good and not hoard fabric. I liked it so much though that I really want to make a quilt with it and went back and guess what...its gone. All of it. When I bought it the roll was full. Now they don't know if they will get anymore back in... Does this kind of random torture only happen to me?? I however have sucked it up and moved on with my life (sniffle-sniffle). Who would have thought that finding the fabric would be the easy part. Next I had to choose the shape to applique onto the shirt. I am the queen of it took me a month. I went through every idea under the sun. It had to be cute but it had to be all boy. I went through so many ideas and saved a few because it just didn't do the fabric I chose justice... finally the inspiration came that I needed. My baby shower is coming up in April. My sister has claimed this shower. She wasn't happy that she wasn't allowed to throw the first shower due to my Grandmother's etiquette rule about family not throwing the shower. So when we found out I was pregnant again and seen the gleam of determination in my sisters eye...everyone backed off. They let her have it...even Grandmother. My sister apparently has been thinking about this one a long time because she has it all pretty much planned...and really doesn't care if I have an opinion about it or not. Normally I would have an opinion since I have that type A control freak personality...but being pregnant with a gigantic baby and having a 1 year old who's life mission is to wear me out from the time he opens his eyes in the morning till he closes them at night has beat the opinion out of me...on some things. So my shower will be Pirate themed. My only request was that it be fun silly colorful pirate and not dark scary pirate. So my silly skull was born. Check out the ragged edges I made on the skull..I just love it. I satin stitched the mouth and gave him colorful buttons for eyes. Its not bad for a first attempt at applique and guess what. Its "SO CUTE" and it rocks my socks so mission accomplished! Plus I am also planning to make one for me to wear with a little skull over my bump...that way baby brother isn't left out either. Unfortunately this was not pictured worn by the model it was meant for...he doesn't want to take his pjs off right now and I am fighting a bout of morning sickness so I gave up. But I could not wait to show it off! I am linking up to the parties below. Stop by and check out what everyone else has been making.
Creative Mom's Blog Hop @ Kindred Spirit Mommy
Show and Tell @ Blue Cricket Design
Whatever goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts

Posted by Cas at 7:40 AM 14 comments
Labels: applique, Boy project
Friday, March 5, 2010
Five Question Friday
Five questions and five answers it couldn't get any simpler....which is great considering I have prego brain tonight and I am lucky I can spell my own name. Check out the link for more people playing along
1. What's your guilty pleasure? My current Peppridge Farm Veronas- they are little thumbprint cookies with strawberry in the middle...I love them but hate to (They just recently replaced Cherry Cordial Icecream)
2. What is your favorite TV series? Ok I am totally cursed everything I love ends here are a few examples of past favorites... Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, Felicity, Nip Tuck. So I guess my current favorite (still on air) is The Ghost Whisperer...that show kills me. It scares me and makes me cry all at the same time...not to mention totally makes me jealous Jennifer is gorg and has a wardrobe to match. I do actually own all of Gilmore Girls on dvd and never get tired of it...they are a comfort thing. I put them and as background sometimes while I craft or clean if I am not in the mood for music.
3. Can you speak any foreign languages? I speak a little French, Italian, and Spanish. I was fluent in French at one time but not anymore....
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Not alot. I am not a shoe girl. I have a couple pairs of tennis shoes. A pair of Black dress shoes and brown..maybe a few flats and then flops for summer...
5. What's your favorite kind of M&M's...peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?
Ok I love plain with buttered popcorn at the movies but if I am just eating them alone I want the peanut!
Posted by Cas at 10:36 PM 2 comments
Follow Friday
Its follow friday again. Below are 2 buttons click either one and add yourself to the link and then follow the rules below.
Here is how it works....
Add your blog link to the MckLinky you will find on One 2 Try or Trendy Treehouse's Post ~ Remember to leave your blog name under Your name.
Make sure to follow the host of the you will follow One 2 Try or Trendy Treehouse...or both like I do!!
Grab the Button of the one you choose to follow for your blog ~ so more people can share in this FUN!
Follow other Blogs that have linked up ~ Don't forget to comment saying that you are now following them and visiting from Follow Me Friday so they can find you!
If someone follows you make sure you follow back ~ It's only fair. LOL
The more you follow, the more will follow you! It's that easy!
This is for blogs only ~ no advertising links please! Have fun!
Its a pretty neat way to find blogs and meet new friends too!
Posted by Cas at 8:40 AM 19 comments
Labels: Follow me Friday
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
This weekend I had a horrible stomach bug so I didn't do any cooking (or eating) My stomach still feels kinda iffy so I am going to take it slow about what I make. We did go grocery shopping earlier today (almost killed me I am not fully recovered) and loaded up on fresh strawberries, grapes, Fuji apples, bananas and cantaloupe from Sam's Club. As always for more great ideas head over to the Organizing Junkie for more ideas and links
Breakfast for the toddler and I will be: Yogurt with berries, Scrambled eggs with Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Banana Bread, Oatmeal. We will just choose from the menu based on what I feel like or what he asks for. The hubs always takes yogurt and a breakfast bar or oatmeal...he is a creature of habit and eats the same thing everyday. Plus he won't eat when he first wakes up so he has to have something he can eat at work on the go.
Lunches for the toddler and I: Soup, Turkey and Cheese Sand. Baked Chips, Fruit or left overs. Again that is a whatever we feel like at the time menu to choose from.
Now for Suppers
Monday- Turkey and Cheese Heroes, Baked Chips, Fresh fruit
Tuesday- Herb Chicken and Gravy, Stuffing, and Green beans
Wed- Cinnamon Rolls, Scrambled Cheese Eggs, Bacon and Fresh Fruit
Thursday- Enchiladas, Steamed Veggies, Fresh Fruit
Friday- Pizza, Veggies, and fresh fruit
Saturday- Sloppy Joes, Spicy Fries, Fresh Fruit
Sunday- Slow cooker Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Rolls and Fruit
Posted by Cas at 8:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: menu plan monday
Fairy Bear
Here is another one of my little hand sculpted creatures. This is Sunshine from my fairy bear collection. I sculpted her because I am tired of winter and we need some sunshine. She has little flowers and sparlkly wings...and it felt a little brighter after I got her done.
**I do want to clarify that the little creatures I post on here are not themselves for sale. These I make just for my own enjoyment. I do not currently have an etsy will be a few weeks before I do.
Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts
Posted by Cas at 12:25 PM 5 comments
Labels: Fairy Bear, sculpting