Friday, March 5, 2010

Five Question Friday

Five questions and five answers it couldn't get any simpler....which is great considering I have prego brain tonight and I am lucky I can spell my own name. Check out the link for more people playing along

My Little Life

1. What's your guilty pleasure? My current Peppridge Farm Veronas- they are little thumbprint cookies with strawberry in the middle...I love them but hate to (They just recently replaced Cherry Cordial Icecream)

2. What is your favorite TV series? Ok I am totally cursed everything I love ends here are a few examples of past favorites... Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, Felicity, Nip Tuck. So I guess my current favorite (still on air) is The Ghost Whisperer...that show kills me. It scares me and makes me cry all at the same time...not to mention totally makes me jealous Jennifer is gorg and has a wardrobe to match. I do actually own all of Gilmore Girls on dvd and never get tired of it...they are a comfort thing. I put them and as background sometimes while I craft or clean if I am not in the mood for music.

3. Can you speak any foreign languages? I speak a little French, Italian, and Spanish. I was fluent in French at one time but not anymore....

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Not alot. I am not a shoe girl. I have a couple pairs of tennis shoes. A pair of Black dress shoes and brown..maybe a few flats and then flops for summer...

5. What's your favorite kind of M&M's...peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?
Ok I love plain with buttered popcorn at the movies but if I am just eating them alone I want the peanut!


Angela said...

Thank you for your comment. having children with medical needs has been hard but it brings forth blessing when they overcome.

I've never tried M&M's with Popcorn, but I think I saw that in a movie once. LOL!

I too was a Gilmore Girls, Felicity, tv watcher. Now i settle for The Good Wife, Criminal Mids etc.

le Chef said...

The cookies sound yummy! I have a recipe for cornmeal sage blackberry thumbprints. It sounds horrible, but they are amazing.